Business Operations Specialists vs Human Resources Workers salary

Based on data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, on average, Business Operations Specialists make $79,240 annually, while Human Resources Workers make $70,720 per year. As a result, Business Operations Specialists earn a wage that is higher than Human Resources Workers.

However, it's important to keep in mind that the salary of an employee can be influenced by factors such as location and experience. In particular, Business Operations Specialists working in Washington DC (with a wage of $105,020 on average) may have higher salaries than those in Wisconsin ($59,810). To provide another instance, Human Resources Workers in Washington DC have an average income that is 86% higher compared to those in Mississippi.

Business Operations Specialists vs Human Resources Workers overview

Business Operations Specialists and Human Resources Workers are crucial to the Federal, State, and Local Government industry. People are often interested in learning about the distinctions between these job titles, including the average salary for each of them.

Business Operations Specialist job description

Alternative names: Business Operations Specialists, All Other

Business Operations Specialists all business operations specialists not listed separately.

Business Operations Specialist average salary

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that in 2021, there were 1.03M Business Operations Specialists working in the United States, and on average, they earned $79,240 per year. The bottom 10 percent earned $38,050 or less, and the top 10 percent earned $128,030 or more.

Do Business Operations Specialists make good money?

Business Operations Specialists generally earn good salaries, as their average salary is 36% higher than the average salary in the United States ($58,260). Additionally, they earn 17% more than the average pay of the Federal, State, and Local Government industry ($67,800).

Business Operations Specialists generally earn good salaries, as their average salary is 36% higher than the average salary in the United States ($58,260).

Human Resources Worker job description

Alternative names: Human Resources Specialists

Human Resources Workers recruit, screen, interview, or place individuals within an organization. May perform other activities in multiple human resources areas.

Human Resources Worker education and experience

Among Human Resources Workers, about a half have obtained a Bachelor's Degree, 25% hold a Master's Degree, and 14% have a High School Diploma. When it comes to experience, over half Human Resources Worker occupations require a 4 to 6 years of previous work-related experience. A smaller portion of roles (30%) require a previous experience of 1 to 2 years.

Human Resources Worker average salary

Based on data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 740,830 Human Resources Workers were employed by the United States in 2021, and their average annual wage was $70,720. The lowest earning 10 percent made $37,680 or less, and the highest earning 10 percent made $108,160 or more per year. Compared to the previous year, the mean salary has grown by 1.9%.

Do Human Resources Workers make good money?

Human Resources Workers typically make good salaries, since their mean salary is 21% above the average pay in the United States ($58,260). Furthermore, they make 58% more than the mean salary of the Administrative and Support Services industry ($44,870).

Human Resources Workers typically make good salaries, since their mean salary is 21% above the average pay in the United States ($58,260).

Human Resources Workers job growth

The hiring of Human Resources Workers has risen in the last two years. In 2021, there have been 93,020 more job opportunities than the previous year across the nation, and that shows an increase of 14.4%. Job growth has averaged 7.8% over the past 3 years.


Do Business Operations Specialists or Human Resources Workers make more?

Business Operations Specialists make 12% more than Human Resources Workers. The average annual salary for Human Resources Workers is $70,720, compared to $79,240 for Business Operations Specialists.

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