Restaurant Hosts vs Brokerage Workers salary

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that Restaurant Hosts have an average annual salary of $26,000, while Brokerage Workers earn an average of $57,710 per year. This indicates that Brokerage Workers earn significantly more than Restaurant Hosts.

Keep in mind, however, that factors such as location, experience, and the specific workplace can affect salary. For instance, Restaurant Hosts in Washington DC may have higher earnings (averaging $37,440 per year) compared to those in Mississippi ($19,620). As another example, the average salary of Brokerage Workers in Connecticut is 84% higher than those in Indiana.

Restaurant Hosts vs Brokerage Workers overview

Restaurant Hosts and Brokerage Workers are essential to the Food Services and Drinking Places and Securities and Financial Investments industries respectively. People are often interested in learning about the distinctions between these jobs, including the average salary for each of them.

Restaurant Host job description

Alternative names: Hosts and Hostesses, Restaurant, Lounge, and Coffee Shop

Restaurant Hosts welcome patrons, seat them at tables or in lounge, and help ensure quality of facilities and service.

Restaurant Host education and experience

The majority of Restaurant Hosts (62%) have obtained a High School Diploma. However this occupation also includes some employees who have a Less than a High School Diploma (32%) and a Bachelor's Degree (6%). Regarding experience, about a third of Restaurant Host jobs require no previous experience. A smaller percentage of jobs (20%) require a previous experience of 3 to 6 months.

Restaurant Host average salary

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that in 2021, there were 324,690 Restaurant Hosts working in the United States, and on average, they earned $26,000 per year. The bottom 10 percent earned $18,160 or less, and the top 10 percent earned $33,050 or more. Compared to the previous year, the average salary is up by 4.8%.

Do Restaurant Hosts make good money?

Restaurant Hosts are not typically well paid, as their average salary is 55% lower than the average wage in the United States ($58,260). Additionally, they earn 13% less than the average wage of the Food Services and Drinking Places industry ($30,020).

Restaurant Hosts are not typically well paid, as their average salary is 55% lower than the average wage in the United States ($58,260).

Restaurant Hosts job growth

In 2021, there have been 7,990 more Restaurant Host positions than the previous year nationwide, which marks a rise of 2.5%. The average job growth over the past 3 years has been -7%.

Brokerage Worker job description

Alternative names: Brokerage Clerks

Brokerage Workers perform duties related to the purchase, sale, or holding of securities. Duties include writing orders for stock purchases or sales, computing transfer taxes, verifying stock transactions, accepting and delivering securities, tracking stock price fluctuations, computing equity, distributing dividends, and keeping records of daily transactions and holdings.

Brokerage Worker education and experience

38% of Brokerage Workers have completed a Bachelor's Degree, 29% hold a High School Diploma, and 20% have a College Course Certificate. In terms of experience, 41% of Brokerage Worker occupations require a 1 to 2 years of previous experience working in the field. A smaller number of roles (24%) require a previous experience of 2 to 4 years.

Brokerage Worker average salary

As stated by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the United States employed 39,980 Brokerage Workers in 2021, and the average income they earned annually was $57,710. The bottom 10 percent had earnings of $39,290 or less, and the top 10 percent had earnings of $78,290 or more. The average salary has decreased by 1.3% in comparison to the previous year.

Do Brokerage Workers make good money?

The mean salary of Brokerage Workers is nearly the same as the average wage in the United States ($58,260). Furthermore, it is nearly the same as the mean earnings of the Securities and Financial Investments industry ($119,040).

The mean salary of Brokerage Workers is nearly the same as the average wage in the United States ($58,260).

Brokerage Workers job growth

There has been a decrease in the employment of Brokerage Workers in the last two years. In 2021, there have been 4,740 less positions than the previous year across the nation, and that marks a decrease of 10.6%. Job growth has averaged -10.1% over the past 3 years.


Do Restaurant Hosts or Brokerage Workers make more?

Brokerage Workers make 122% more than Restaurant Hosts. The average annual pay for Restaurant Hosts is $26,000, while Brokerage Workers earn $57,710 per year.

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