Sailors vs Cargo and Freight Agents salary

According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual pay for Sailors is $57,800, compared to the average annual salary of $48,420 for Cargo and Freight Agents. This means that Cargo and Freight Agents earn a lower salary than Sailors.

However, it's worth mentioning that the amount of pay an employee receives can be influenced by factors like location, experience, and the specific setting in which they work. As an example, Sailors who work in Louisiana (with salary averaging $75,490) may earn more than those who work in North Carolina ($37,450). To give another example, the average salary of Cargo and Freight Agents in Connecticut is 88% higher compared to those in Hawaii.

Sailors vs Cargo and Freight Agents overview

Sailors and Cargo and Freight Agents are two important roles in the Support Activities for Transportation industry. Many people are interested in understanding the differences between these jobs, as well as the average salaries for each.

Sailor job description

Alternative names: Sailors and Marine Oilers

Sailors stand watch to look for obstructions in path of vessel, measure water depth, turn wheel on bridge, or use emergency equipment as directed by captain, mate, or pilot. Break out, rig, overhaul, and store cargo-handling gear, stationary rigging, and running gear. Perform a variety of maintenance tasks to preserve the painted surface of the ship and to maintain line and ship equipment. Must hold government-issued certification and tankerman certification when working aboard liquid-carrying vessels. Includes able seamen and ordinary seamen.

Sailor education and experience

The majority of Sailors (52%) hold a High School Diploma. However, among employees in this occupation, there are also some with a Post-Secondary Certificate (24%) and a Less than a High School Diploma (22%). In terms of experience, 45% of Sailor jobs require no previous experience. A smaller part of jobs (21%) require a previous experience of 1 to 2 years.

Sailor average salary

As stated by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the United States employed 26,610 Sailors in 2021, and the mean income they earned annually was $57,800. The bottom 10 percent had earnings of $29,120 or less, and the top 10 percent had earnings of $78,340 or more. The average salary marks an increase of 3.8% compared the previous year.

Do Sailors make good money?

The average salary of Sailors is nearly the same as the average salary in the United States ($58,260). Furthermore, it is nearly the same as the average pay of the Water Transportation industry ($82,920).

The average salary of Sailors is nearly the same as the average salary in the United States ($58,260).

Sailors job growth

In 2021, there have been 1,040 more Sailor roles than the previous year nationwide, which marks a growth of 4.1%. Job growth has averaged -5.7% for the last 3 years.

Cargo and Freight Agents job description

Cargo and Freight Agents expedite and route movement of incoming and outgoing cargo and freight shipments in airline, train, and trucking terminals and shipping docks. Take orders from customers and arrange pickup of freight and cargo for delivery to loading platform. Prepare and examine bills of lading to determine shipping charges and tariffs.

Cargo and Freight Agents education and experience

Among Cargo and Freight Agents, about a third have obtained a Bachelor's Degree, 19% hold a College Course Certificate, and 18% have a Post-Secondary Certificate. With regard to experience, over half Cargo and Freight Agents occupations do not require any previous experience. A smaller portion of roles (21%) require a previous experience of 6 months to 1 year.

Cargo and Freight Agents average salary

Based on data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 85,750 Cargo and Freight Agents were employed by the United States in 2021, and their average annual wage was $48,420. The lowest earning 10 percent made $30,020 or less, and the highest earning 10 percent made $69,450 or more per year. Compared to the previous year, the mean salary has increased by 2.6%.

Do Cargo and Freight Agents make good money?

Cargo and Freight Agents are not typically highly paid, since their mean salary is 17% below the average pay in the United States ($58,260). Furthermore, they make 15% less than the mean salary of the Support Activities for Transportation industry ($56,670).

Cargo and Freight Agents are not typically highly paid, since their mean salary is 17% below the average pay in the United States ($58,260).

Cargo and Freight Agents job growth

In 2021, there have been 10,760 less Cargo and Freight Agents job opportunities than the previous year across the nation, and that shows a decline of 11.1%. Over the past 3 years, job growth has averaged -2.2%.


Do Sailors or Cargo and Freight Agents make more?

Sailors make 19% more than Cargo and Freight Agents. The average annual salary for Cargo and Freight Agents is $48,420, compared to $57,800 for Sailors.

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