Statisticians vs Mathematicians salary

Based on data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, on average, Statisticians make $99,450 annually, while Mathematicians make $112,430 per year. As a result, Mathematicians earn a wage that is higher than Statisticians.

However, it's worth mentioning that wages can vary depending on factors like location, experience, and the specific setting in which the employee works. As an example, Statisticians who work in New York (with salary averaging $127,380) may earn more than those who work in Oklahoma ($57,690). And Mathematicians in Washington DC earn 84% more on average compared to those in Nevada.

Statisticians vs Mathematicians overview

Statisticians and Mathematicians are crucial to the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry. People are often interested in learning about the distinctions between these job titles, including the average earnings for each of them.

Statistician job description

Statisticians develop or apply mathematical or statistical theory and methods to collect, organize, interpret, and summarize numerical data to provide usable information. May specialize in fields such as biostatistics, agricultural statistics, business statistics, or economic statistics. Includes mathematical and survey statisticians.

Statistician education and experience

The majority of Statisticians (65%) hold a Master's Degree. However this occupation also includes some employees who have a Doctoral Degree (20%) and a Bachelor's Degree (15%). Regarding experience, about a quarter of Statistician jobs require no previous experience. A smaller part of jobs (25%) require a previous experience of 1 to 2 years.

Statistician average salary

According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of Statisticians employed by the United States in 2021 was 31,370, and their average annual salary was $99,450. The bottom 10 percent had a salary of $49,350 or less, and the top 10 percent had a salary of $157,300 or more. The average salary has grown by 2.3% compared the previous year.

Do Statisticians make good money?

Statisticians are usually paid well, as their average salary is 71% higher than the average salary in the United States ($58,260). Moreover, they earn 9% more than the average pay of the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry ($91,150).

Statisticians are usually paid well, as their average salary is 71% higher than the average salary in the United States ($58,260).

Statisticians job growth

There has been a decrease in the employment of Statisticians in the last two years. In 2021, there have been 7,490 less roles than the previous year nationwide, which marks a decrease of 19.3%. Job growth has averaged -7.3% for the last 3 years.

Mathematician job description

Mathematicians conduct research in fundamental mathematics or in application of mathematical techniques to science, management, and other fields. Solve problems in various fields using mathematical methods.

Mathematician education and experience

Most Mathematicians (50%) have completed a Doctoral Degree. But additionally, among employees with this job title, there are also some with a Master's Degree (25%) and a Bachelor's Degree (8%). With regard to experience, about a third of Mathematician occupations do not require any previous experience. A smaller number of roles (29%) require a previous experience of 1 to 2 years.

Mathematician average salary

As reported by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2021, the number of Mathematicians employed in the United States was 1,770, and they earned an average of $112,430 per year. The bottom 10 percent had earnings of $61,760 or less, and the top 10 percent had earnings of $169,500 or more.

Do Mathematicians make good money?

Mathematicians are typically paid well, since their mean salary is 93% above the average wage in the United States ($58,260). Moreover, they make 66% more than the mean earnings of the Federal, State, and Local Government industry ($67,800).

Mathematicians are typically paid well, since their mean salary is 93% above the average wage in the United States ($58,260).

Mathematicians job growth

Mathematicians have seen a decrease in employment over the past two years. In 2021, there have been 690 less positions than the previous year across the nation, and that marks a decrease of 28%. Over the past 3 years, job growth has averaged -10.9%.


Do Statisticians or Mathematicians make more?

Mathematicians make 13% more than Statisticians. The average annual salary for Statisticians is $99,450, while Mathematicians earn $112,430 per year.

How long does it take to become a Statistician vs Mathematician?

Becoming a Statistician typically requires a Master's Degree. It usually takes between 2 years and 3 years to complete a Master's Degree. And, given that a Bachelor's Degree is a prerequisite, the full educational process could take around 7 years to complete. While on the other hand, becoming a Mathematician typically requires a Doctoral Degree. It usually takes between 4 years and 6 years to complete a Doctoral Degree. And, given that a Master's Degree is a prerequisite, the full educational process could take around 13 years to complete.

Is it harder to become a Statistician vs Mathematician?

It is more difficult to become a Mathematician than a Statistician, since it takes 6 more years of education.

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