Teachers vs Social Workers salary

As stated by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for Teachers is $64,870, compared to $63,010 for Social Workers. This shows that these two roles earn similar wages.

However, wages can vary depending on factors like location, experience, and the specific setting in which the employee works. For example, Social Workers who work in Hawaii (with salary averaging $85,760) may earn more than those who work in Tennessee ($48,350).

Teachers vs Social Workers overview

Teachers and Social Workers are essential to the Educational Services industry. People are often interested in learning about the differences between these jobs, as well as the average salaries for each.

Teacher average salary

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 4.02M Teachers employed in the United States in 2021, and they earned an average annual income of $64,870. The bottom 10 percent earned $37,100 or less, and the top 10 percent earned $99,300 or more. Compared to the previous year, the mean salary has gone up by 2.8%.

Do Teachers make good money?

Teachers generally earn good salaries, since their mean salary is 11% above the average salary in the United States ($58,260). Additionally, they make 5% more than the mean earnings of the Educational Services industry ($61,620).

Teachers generally earn good salaries, since their mean salary is 11% above the average salary in the United States ($58,260).

Social Worker job description

Alternative names: Social Workers, All Other

Social Workers all social workers not listed separately.

Social Worker average salary

Based on data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 49,730 Social Workers were employed by the United States in 2021, and their average annual salary was $63,010. The lowest earning 10 percent made $36,780 or less, and the highest earning 10 percent made $93,540 or more per year. Compared to the previous year, the average salary has decreased by 3%.

Do Social Workers make good money?

The average salary of Social Workers is 8% higher than the average salary in the United States ($58,260). In contrast, they earn 7% less than the average pay of the Federal, State, and Local Government industry ($67,800).

The average salary of Social Workers is 8% higher than the average salary in the United States ($58,260).

Social Workers job growth

In 2021, there have been 10,660 less Social Worker roles than the previous year nationwide, which marks a decrease of 17.7%. Job growth has averaged -4.2% for the last 3 years.


Do Teachers or Social Workers make more?

The salaries for these two jobs are similar. The average annual salary for Social Workers is $63,010, compared to $64,870 for Teachers.

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