Writers vs Editors salary

As reported by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Writers earn an average of $81,120 per year, while Editors earn an average of $76,400 per year. Therefore, these careers pay similar salaries.

Keep in mind, however, that factors such as location, experience, and the specific workplace can affect salary. For instance, Writers in California may have higher earnings (averaging $111,110 per year) compared to those in Arkansas ($45,430). As another example, the average salary of Editors in New York is 134% higher than those in Mississippi.

Writers vs Editors overview

Writers and Editors are crucial to the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry. People are often interested in learning about the distinctions between these job titles, including the average earnings for each of them.

Writer job description

Alternative names: Writers and Authors

Writers originate and prepare written material, such as scripts, stories, advertisements, and other material.

Writer education and experience

About a half of Writers hold a Bachelor's Degree, 35% have a College Course Certificate, and 18% hold an Associate's Degree. When it comes to experience, most of the Writer jobs require a 2 to 4 years of work-related experience. A smaller part of jobs (25%) require a previous experience of 6 months to 1 year.

Writer average salary

According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of Writers employed by the United States in 2021 was 49,410, and the mean income they earned annually was $81,120. The bottom 10 percent had a salary of $38,500 or less, and the top 10 percent had a salary of $133,580 or more. The average salary has grown by 3.1% compared the previous year.

Do Writers make good money?

The average salary of Writers is 39% higher than the average salary in the United States ($58,260). On the other hand, they earn 11% less than the average pay of the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry ($91,150).

The average salary of Writers is 39% higher than the average salary in the United States ($58,260).

Writers job growth

In 2021, there have been 5,170 more Writer roles than the previous year nationwide, which marks a growth of 11.7%. Job growth has averaged 3.2% for the last 3 years.

Editor job description

Editors plan, coordinate, revise, or edit written material. May review proposals and drafts for possible publication.

Editor education and experience

Becoming an Editor typically involves completing a Bachelor's Degree. However, among employees in this occupation, there are also some with a Master's Degree (17%). In terms of experience, about a third of Editor jobs require a 2 to 4 years of experience in the field. A smaller part of jobs (20%) require a previous experience of 4 to 6 years.

Editor average salary

Based on data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 88,780 Editors were employed by the United States in 2021, and their average annual salary was $76,400. The lowest earning 10 percent made $36,970 or less, and the highest earning 10 percent made $129,420 or more per year. Compared to the previous year, the average salary has increased by 3.4%.

Do Editors make good money?

The average salary of Editors is about a third higher than the average salary in the United States ($58,260). In contrast, they earn about a quarter less than the average pay of the Publishing Industries industry ($99,350).

The average salary of Editors is about a third higher than the average salary in the United States ($58,260).

Editors job growth

The demand for Editors in the workforce has decreased in the last two years. In 2021, there have been 4,590 less roles than the previous year nationwide, which marks a decrease of 4.9%. The average job growth over the past 3 years has been -2.5%.


Do Writers or Editors make more?

The salaries for these two occupations are similar. The average annual pay for Editors is $76,400, while Writers earn $81,120 per year.

How long does it take to become a Writer vs Editor?

Both Writer and Editor occupations typically require a Bachelor's Degree. It most often takes around 4 years to obtain a Bachelor's Degree.

Is it harder to become a Writer vs Editor?

The level of difficulty of achieving either occupation is similar, as they both require the same level of education.

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